Piping lines
SPM install since many years piping lines for chemical transportation inside fabs. Only ultrapure materials are used, and safety is warrant with double or triple containment tubing. We can execute the installation of double piping lines providing internal pipes in PFA material or SS316L.
External protection in transparent PVC or SS304. According with chemical nature we can realize stainless steel or plastic piping lines. External double piping is installed to warrant operator safety even in case of leakage of chemical pipes.
It’s possible also to realize triple piping in case of extreme dangerous chemicals. Piping lines will be labelled according to local rules.
Ultapure H2ODI distribution piping lines.
Ultapure H2ODI distribution piping lines.
Ultapure H2ODI distribution piping lines.
Ultapure H2ODI distribution piping lines.
Ultapure H2ODI distribution piping lines.